Mar 4Liked by Yung Pueblo

Wow, 45 days— Congratulations! My husband and I just completed our 2nd 10 day Vipassana retreat (S.N. Goenka) and are so grateful for the experience. Since our first retreat this past August, we’ve been meditating twice a day, everyday—starting and ending our days with an hour of meditation. We’d been meditating for some years, but just 15 mins or so twice a day, so two hours a day was a significant commitment. I never thought I could do it. I’ve got to say that since we’ve committed ourselves to our practice, the changes we’ve experienced are profound. Yet subtle. And it’s crazy that even though two hours are spent sitting, we find we have more time. We’ve started looking at how we spend our time, what we watch on TV, etc, making sure it’s well spent. I do believe attending these retreats has been life changing. We completed our 2nd course just one week ago and are still processing the experience. When I sit and close my eyes I can still hear Goenkaji’s voice, “Starting at the top of the head….” 😌

I want to thank you for your writing—you’ve helped countless people with your wisdom and approachable style. I first heard you in an interview with Dr Mark Hyman a couple of years ago. I remember you speaking of your first 10 day silent retreat and was so amazed. 10 days without speaking?!

I bought one of your books (I started with Inward) and ended up buying them all. Your words really resonated with me. I felt your message was so important that I bought your books for my adult children—and they love them too.

Reflecting on your post, it makes so much sense to learn that you’ve been practicing Vipassana for 12 years.

Anyway, Thank you for sharing your journey and your beautiful writing with all of us.

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Mar 3Liked by Yung Pueblo

What a beautiful summary and reminder of Vipassana Meditation having completed a 10 day course myself after learning about it from your Lighter book Aug 16-27 last year. I’ve kept it up everyday since morning and night for 10 mins and it’s made all the difference. Eternally grateful for you opening me up to it ❤️

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Mar 3Liked by Yung Pueblo

I love your last line. Yes! Thank you.

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Mar 3Liked by Yung Pueblo

Thank you always for sharing your experience 🙏

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Grateful for your reflections Yung. Scheduled for my first 10day in October and am very much looking forward to it. Wishing you continued peace 🙏

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Wonderful words.

Planning a second 10days Vipassana during my school holidays. So grateful for the people in each center dedicating their time so we, students, can attend. May all beings be happy 🙏

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Do you have any good resources / guides to start doing this type of meditation at home?

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This sounds so beautiful... And fascinating. I'm curious now to increase my intentional time meditating and see where the journey takes me. Thank you for sharing!

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