My new book Lighter has a huge sale right now!
It is temporarily 34% off on Amazon. Big sales usually don’t last long.
Three thoughts:
Healing places you on a trajectory. First you focus on building self-awareness so that you can enhance your capacity to face all of your emotions, including those that are heavy and uncomfortable, this helps you see yourself as you move through your emotional spectrum and understand how your emotions impact your actions. Once your clarity increases to the point that your major patterns are revealed, you start the serious work of building new positive habits, new responses to life that don’t keep you locked into the past. One of the major ways to open yourself to the present so that it is a fresh and vibrant experience is to be intentional about not reacting impulsively to life, but instead slowing things down so that you have more time to align yourself with the actions that feel most genuine to who you are now instead of who you were in the past. As you learn to feel your emotions and better manage your reactions, the next empowering step is bringing harmony to the situations you are a part of, not by controlling the situation but by simply maintaining your energy the way you want it to be even if people around you are inviting you to join their turbulence. You can certainly bring harmony by helping others, but you can also add harmony to a situation by living in your peace.
Ego is at work whenever you are looking down on someone, judging them harshly and writing them off as permanently toxic or too far gone to redeem themselves. Ego is incredibly sneaky, you can do a lot of inner work and get yourself to a better place and still have moments where ego twists your logic and clouds what you see. The overuse of the words toxic and narcissist not only show that there is a lack of compassion in how we deal with each other, but also that it is becoming trendy to expect each other people to not make any mistakes. There are obviously people out there who have caused harm, but we have to make sure that we find a healthy middle path where we create safe spaces for ourselves without expecting perfection from everyone we encounter. You know from your own experience how easy it is to make a mistake or to be totally misunderstood by another individual. Perception is normally fickle, stunningly unclear and dependent on personal emotional history. The challenge is to elevate your personal transformation to a point where you can use boundaries to create space for yourself to thrive, without letting your ego use hate to make itself bigger.
Create what your intuition is asking you to create. Do this as an act of service. You have no idea who you may end up helping or even the lives that you may save by simply following the truth of your heart. Don’t let fear stop you from listening to your inner calling. Don’t let an unclear path discourage you from taking steps into the unknown. The greatest you arises when you gently start embracing the space beyond your comfort zone. You don’t need to have all of the answers right now to eventually be successful. You just need to be willing to take one step at a time. Embrace the challenge. Remember how strong you are and how much you have already overcome. You don’t need to move fast, even moving slowly can get you to where you want to go. Let yourself live in your power. You hold a unique vision and that is your gift to the world.
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Journal Prompt:
How do you try to bring harmony to the situations you are a part of? In what ways are you being more compassionate to yourself and others? What does your intuition want you to do/create next? Are you ready to step beyond your comfort zone again?
Recently I had an amazing conversation with Forrest Hanson. It stood out above the other convos I have been having recently because we immediately connected, it was almost like meeting an old friend. We talk a lot about meditation, personal transformation, how to break old patterns and a bunch more. You can listen to our convo by clicking here.
Clarity & Connection in Spanish
Inward (20% off the original price)
.2 can be sneaky, wise words. Beautifully expressed 🙏🏼