Your healing creates waves that are consciously and unconsciously felt by others. The vibration or energy that you emit reverberates outward and influences the environment and those in it. Your peace can be felt by others and actually invites them to remain in tune with the peace they already carry within them. Your sense of balance during difficult times, is not only a pillar that others can lean on, but it can show them that they too can remain calm during a storm. Sometimes people may even say to you, “it feels great and calming to be around you.” What we feel within us functions like an invitation for others to join us and feel the same, whether it is dense and heavy emotions or light and caring ones. It is easy to get angry when someone close to you is angry because the anger of the past that is already deep within your subconscious gets activated and pulled to the surface. This is why one of the biggest signs of maturity is being able to dwell in the mind state of your choice, even if others are putting negativity out into the space you are sharing. Being able to live within the energy of your choosing is a sign of great emotional maturity. You choosing peace supports the peace in others.
The reality is that friendships take work. You need to put energy into your friendships to keep them alive and well nourished, similar to tending a garden. A connection needs both people to feed it intentionally for it to remain healthy. Not only do you need to give time and attention to each other, there is also the need for the deep embrace of that fact that the two of you will change as time moves forward. Embracing each other’s evolution and getting to know each other repeatedly is a key part of long-lasting connections. Who you both were when you first met could be radically different than who you both are now, but no matter what, there is a kinship there that brings you back to each other. Even though you and life keep changing, you decide to face it all together. Nothing about life is easy, which makes a good comrade who can uplift you when you are down and cheer on your victories, incredibly valuable. A lot of friends are quite temporary, they may fit the different phases of your life for a while, but the most cherished are the ones who you feel comfortable walking alongside for numerous chapters of your life.
Being able to see yourself as you are moving through your own emotional spectrum is an essential quality to cultivate. Knowing the difference between who you are when you are balanced versus who you are when your mood is low can help you go through tough moments without making them harder than they already are. Noticing when you are in a low mood should make you question the assessments and judgments you are making. You know from past experience that heavy emotions negatively color your view. Understanding that your perception is never perfect, that it is either tinted by your emotions or that you are missing some further information that would clarify what you are seeing, actually supports your humility. Perception becomes clearer when your mind is balanced and when it tries to develop an assessment as selflessly as possible. The wisest understand that most often there is not even a need to create an assessment, that what is most needed is actually love and care instead of judgment.
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Journal Prompt:
How do you plan on using your energy for the remainder of the year? Is there anyone you want to reconnect with before this year is over? Have you been respecting your need to rest lately?
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Wow, I read this at the right time. Recently, I get triggered easily. Probably the main cause is hectic and busy schedule with my work. I did not have time to slow down, take a breath and reflect. My 2023 goal is to be better 1% than yesterday, slow down a little bit, and start meditation again.
You are so incredibly kind and beautiful.