Letting Go Is Your Path To Happiness
4 Reflections on happiness, overcoming the past, the power of perspective, and adaptability
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4 Reflections
1. Happiness is less about what you have and more about how much you can let go. Always wanting more, always being particular about how you would like events to unfold, always forgetting to be grateful about the simple things in life adds more and more tension to the mind. Attachments directly create distance between you and inner peace. The more ideas and cravings that you cling to in your mind, the less satisfied you are with what is.
Happiness is not about getting more, it’s about embracing the power of simply being. Happiness and peace are on two ends of the same bridge, the walkway between the two is being. Accepting yourself as you are, appreciating the moment for what it is, seeing things without projecting onto them, are all qualities that enhance your ability to simply be. The more that you can sit comfortably in the present moment, the more happiness that you will unlock.
2. When you are having a strong negative reaction to something it is worthwhile to ask yourself: “Is this energy just the past trying to repeat itself?” The past uses impulsivity as a gateway to reappear in the present. The reactions of the past shape the subconscious in a way where it hardens your defensive coping mechanisms. Whenever the present reminds you of the past, your strongest patterns will reappear almost unconsciously.
The past tries to reassert itself in the present so quickly that it almost feels like you don’t have a choice. Bringing the power of pausing into the process with the intention of building self-awareness will help you say no to the past and choose new options that feel fresh and more aligned with the new you. Letting go happens gradually, each small victory where you choose to live intentionally helps reshape your mind.
3. An under appreciated hard truth is that inner peace is less about boundaries and precisely designing your life with the right people and projects, and much more about having a perspective where you don’t attach yourself to every good and bad thing that happens. Inner peace is not something you assemble externally; it is a perspective in your mind that is anchored in the truth of impermanence.
When you deeply understand that all situations change, you cling to everything less. You appreciate the things that are enjoyable, and you are not troubled when they end. You face challenges when they arise, but you know that no storm lasts forever.
4. Flexibility is an important part of growth. Trying to stay the same or solely relying on old strategies can become blocks that stop progress. You and the world are constantly changing, which means that inner and outer success are dependent on your ability to adapt.
The depth of your resilience is connected to how deeply you can appreciate that reality is not static, that things will continue to change. Occasionally taking a moment to intentionally assess your current methods will help you separate what’s working and what isn’t. Letting go of what isn’t working will help you elevate to your next level.
New Podcast:
Had a great conversation the other day with Sarah Macklin on the Live Well, Be Well podcast! You can listen to it here. We delve into the importance of being present with our emotions, the practice of self-compassion, and the process of letting go to move forward. We also discuss the dynamics of relationships and the role personal growth plays within them. Hope this one serves you well!
I have been loving the writing of Case Kenny! I saw this page from his book and though it was spot on and really captures what a lot of us have experienced. I definitely recommend checking out his book That’s Bold of You. You can grab a copy here.
Love this from Sahil Bloom’s Newsletter:
You're Not Lost, You're Just Finding
There's no such thing as lost.
The term itself assumes an end-state that simply does not exist in your life.
Life is nothing more than a constant process of finding.
Learning, uncovering, becoming, discovering.
Treat it that way: Give yourself some grace and remember that every single moment—good and bad—contributes to your life's story.
That story always reads better when the struggle is profound. So, embrace it.
You're not lost, you're just finding.
This is one of my favorite newsletters to subscribe to! You can subscribe here.
Amazingly he also has a new book on the way. I’ve met him in person and was super impressed by how heart-centered and kind he is. Definitely recommend getting a copy of his book The 5 Types of Wealth. You can preorder here.